December 3, 2019
Emotional Driving by Gonvarri Industries, good practice of the Global Compact of the United Nations
On the occasion of the International Day of People with Disability we are celebrating today, the Global Compact of the United Nations have presented a dossier of good practices in the SDG 10, Reduced Inequalities, in which the road safety and value education program developed by Emotional Driving and Fundación Real Madrid has been included.
Beyond a doubt, it is great news for Emotional Driving and for Gonvarri. It is very rewarding to be recognized by such a relevant entity, which gives value to the awareness labor and commitment to society of this program during the past for years.
Emotional Driving is aligned to the SDG on the active contribution to reducing injuries and deaths by traffic accidents (SDG 3.6) and to having safer types of transport in place (SDG 11.2).
Four years ago, the United Nations called for governments, businesses, NGOs and citizens around the world to join forces in achieving the 17 SDGs and its associated targets by 2030.
Click here to learn more about the SDG.