May 7, 2019
Emotional Driving with the Fifth United Nations Global Road Safety Week
Emotional Driving shows its support for the Fifth United Nations Global Road Safety Week that started yesterday and will come to an end on May 12, Sunday.
This year theme is “Leadership for road safety”, the goal of is to generate a demand from the public for stronger leadership for road safety worldwide. Stronger leadership is needed to advance road safety in countries and communities worldwide and it is key to achieving road safety targets, including SDG target 3.6 to reduce road traffic deaths and injuries by 50% by 2020 and SDG target 11.2 to provide access to safe, affordable, accessible and sustainable transport systems for all by 2030, for which Emotional Driving works.
The goals for the Fifth United Nations Global Road Safety Week are: on the one hand, provide an opportunity for the society to generate requirements for a straight leadership in road safety, specially regarding concrete actuations based on saving lives; and on the other hand, inspire leaders to take part in this aspect, showing examples of solid leadership in road safety, within governments, international agencies, NGOs, foundations, schools and universities, as well as private companies, among others.
Join personally this program and contribute to it by developing a safe and responsible behavior to minimize the risks that might cause traffic accidents!