November 26, 2018
Emotional Driving raises awareness among 2,000 youngsters at the What Really Matters Congress in Madrid
Madrid held last Friday the celebration of the What Really Matters Congress at the Palacio Municipal de Congresos that registered full house.
Employees of the Group, amongst which stands out Josu Calvo, CEO of GSS, attended the event and enjoyed the presence of three speakers: Sara Andrés, in 2011 lost both legs but she strived to become a Paralympic athlete, Álvaro Pisa and Pepe Otaola, two men that created an NGO in Palestina to help people affected by the social conflict; and Kenneth Iloabuchi, Nigerian immigrant that succeeded in arriving in Spain.
Emotional Driving took part prominently in the Congress by placing a car-driving simulator, which was experimented by over 100 people, and developing a motivational message contest focused in inspiring a responsible driving attitude. The participation was very high and the best messages won two mobile phones.
In addition, Emotional Driving and Movistar maintained their commitment to road safety. Guzmán Fernández, actor and humorist, appeared on the stage emphasizing on the importance of not being distracted by mobile devices while driving. Lalo concluded saying that “the best message, as the best driver, is the one that reaches its destination”.
WRM is a foundation that seeks to promote the development and the diffusion of universal human, ethical and moral values to the public essentially through the development of cultural activities. Its main activities include national and international congresses, national and international volunteering, talks for companies or publication of books, among others.