January 30, 2020
Emotional Driving present at Fundación Mapfre’s Road Safety and SDG Meeting
Yesterday Fundación Mapfre held the so-called “Road Safety and SDG Meeting: Application of the SDG for greater road safety” in Madrid. Gonvarri attended the meeting represented by Juan Llovet, corporate director of Communications and Sustainability, as rapporteur.
The objective of the symposium was to present and debate about the document prepared by Fundación Mapfre, in collaboration with certain prestigious entities, that aims to provide a comprehensive approach on the opportunities arisen in the field of road safety through the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).
The event was opened by Julio Domingo, General Manager Fundación MAPFRE, and Ángel Garrido, the Autonomous Community of Madrid Secretary of Transport, Mobility and Infrastructure, who thanked attendees for their participation and presented the document drafted by Fundación Mapfre.
Thus, the presentation gave way to a roundtable in which Emotional Driving took actively part. Juan Llovet, presented the project and called for a degree of self-criticism referring to the efforts made up-to-date both individually as Emotional Driving and collectively as society, which evidently are not enough. He concluded his speech calling to action and establishing alliances and partnerships among entities to face a clear road safety problem and join forces for the consecution of SDG 3.6 halve the number of global deaths and injuries from road traffic accidents. Other companies such as Gestamp, DGT, AESLEME, Asociación Española de la Carretera (AEC), Arval, Alsa, Vodafone or Bosch took part in the debate.
Jesús Monclús, member of Fundación Mapfre’s steering committee, and Álvaro Gómez, director of the National Observatory of Road Safety of the General Directorate of Traffic closed the meeting providing conclusions.