September 10, 2021
Emotional Driving renew its commitment to Real Madrid Foundation
Emotional Driving and Fundacion Real Madrid renew their commitment for one more year aiming to sensitize and educate an especially vulnerable collective, youngsters with intellectual disabilities, in road safety.
The fourth edition of the so-called “Road Safety: a great value” project will begin in November. Thanks to Emotional Driving, this collective will strengthen values such as Autonomy, Respect, Companionship. This project aims to promote comprehensive education and foster the social integration of more than 300 people with intellectual and physical disabilities through the values inherent to sports.
This year, the project will raise awareness among younger students (5-7 years old), reinforcing the early acquisition of contents related to road safety education; will create 5 videos within the digital training platform of the Sport Values Academy TV in relation to this project, and will develop three inclusive sessions with the students of Adapted Schools and Socio-sports Schools, seeking to offer a space that promotes the inclusion of students with disabilities through joint work.
Gema Ortega, director of FRM Training Area, explains the details of this beautiful and exciting alliance in the following video.