May 7, 2018
Gonvauto Barcelona pedals in support of road safety
The cycling 24h Madform took place on April 21st and 2nd at Montmeló Circuit.
The Emotional Driving cycling team, formed by Gonvauto Barcelona employees, took part for the second time in such competition completing 178 laps and achieving very successful 10th position in the overall ranking and 3rd position in the company’s ranking, out of 77 teams.
In the context of the promotion of road safety, Gonvauto Barcelona will devote 15€ per lap to AESLEME (Asociación para el Estudio de Lesión Medular Espinal), organization with which Gonvarri Steel Services (GSS) collaborates actively. Thanks to the effort and commitment of Gonvauto Barcelona riders, the total quantity of money devoted to AESLEME amounts up to 2,670€.