February 22, 2018
Multitudinous Emotional Driving Roadshow in Colombia
Yesterday took place at the Orquideorama Botanic Garden a successful Roadshow of Emotional Driving that gathered around 500 people, amongst which stand out Humberto Iglesias, Secretary for Mobility of Medellín; Alejandro de Bedout, Secretary for the Youth of Medellín; the directorate of GMS and Road Steel and the directorate and employees of Gonvarri Colombia, as well as clients and providers of the facility.
Mauricio Restrepo, manager at Gonvarri Colombia, opened the meeting thanking all the attendees for their assistance. Subsequently, introduced Emotional Driving and raised awareness in a problem that causes the death of hundreds of Colombian every year: road safety.
After him, different emotional testimonies of traffic accident victims took place, conferences that brought speeches of relevant people such as Javier Perilla, Colombian Motorcycle Association; Humberto Iglesias, Secretary for Mobility of Medellín; and Alejandro de Bedout, Secretary for the Youth of Medellín; that analyzed the road safety problem in Antioquia and threw statistic of traffic accidents in the region.
After them Antonio Amengual, director at Road Steel, explained of the assistants the great advantages of Gonvarri’s products in the field of road safety.
Lastly, Fernando Castro, general manager at GMS, put the conferences to an end with the projection of “Road safety is also a child’s business” video. Fernando Castro thanked, in addition, the attendance of all the participants in the roadshow.
All the attendants had the chance to visit all the stands about: Introduction to the activity, Road Safety for Motorcycle riders, “Open the car with the key” – Drunk simulator, accident simulators, Road Safety station, and a panel in which all participants placed their messages with thoughts about what motivates them to drive safe.
The roadshow turn to be a complete success.