October 20, 2021
Presentation of “Emotional Driving: An audiovisual case” at GMS’ new R&D facilities in Asturias
Gonvarri Metal Structures’ new R&D facilities in Hiasa held in October 20 the presentation of the case study “Emotional Driving: An audiovisual case”.
The event was attended by Fernando Castro, General Manager of GMS; Juan Llovet, Corporate Director of Communication and Sustainability at Gonvarri; Luis Ignacio Alvarez-González and Susana Menéndez Requejo, Associate Professor of Marketing and Vice Rector of Transfer and Business Relations, respectively, at the University of Oviedo; and José María Cubillo, PhD, Professor of Marketing CEU San Pablo and author of the Emotional Driving Case Study.
“Emotional Driving: An Audiovisual Case” presents the different marketing techniques, with their corresponding strategies and tactics, developed by the road safety program from the perspective of creating social value for people and communities as a whole, which reinforce the teaching-learning process and strengthen the company-university union.
You can consult all the materials presented: Case Study “Emtional Driving: An Audiovisual Case”; the interactive electronic publication of the case and the complete book “Innovative Teaching Experiences of Public and Non-Profit Marketing in the era of the Collaborative Economy” on the Emotional Driving website.