October 7, 2019
Successful return of Emotional Driving to What Really Matters Congresses
Sevilla hosted on October 11 the celebration of the second What Really Matters (WRM) Congress oy the year which took place at a crowded auditory of 3,000 people.
Attendees to the congress enjoyed with four distinguished speakers: Sara Andrés, due to an accident lost her legs but this never stopped her from beginning a new life as athlete and World Paralympic Champion; Antonio Espinosa, AURA CEO, social company devoted to financing project for accessing drinking water; and Antonio Pampliega, journalist specialized in war who was kidnapped by Al Qaeda.
Emotional Driving had an outstanding presence in the Congress. WRM presented its new App, for Android and iOS, boosted by Emotional Driving and Heliocare. Thanks to it, over 10,000 people will have access to the Emotional Driving project, its sensitizing audiovisual campaigns and even to a challenge in which thousands of youngsters will write a message directed to their relatives for them to drive safe.
In line with the digitalization and technologic transformation strategy that the company is facing, Emotional Driving presented an innovative way of transmitting its road safety message. In partnership with Movistar, Emotional Driving presented Frida, a humanoid robot that will raise awareness on road safety among thousands of youngsters around Spain. Frida emphasized the importance of not distracting when driving and using all five senses on the road as part a responsible behavior at the wheel. In addition, called upon feeling that differentiate humans from robots, to remember somebody we love in order to motivate us to drive safe. Frida concluded her appearance by stating “the best message, as the best driver, is the one that reaches its destination”.
WRM and Frida will visit during the year Valencia, Málaga, Palma de Mallorca, Oviedo, Bilbao y Madrid.
WRM is a foundation that seeks to promote the development and the diffusion of universal human, ethical and moral values to the public essentially through the development of cultural activities. Its main activities include national and international congresses, national and international volunteering, talks for companies or publication of books, among others.