Emotional Driving wants to sensitize society through emotional and positive values.
60% of the Brazilian drivers surveyed state that they have ever had distractions while driving that put them in danger, 83% of them recognize that the improper use of the cell phone is the main cause of distraction. Thirty-nine percent of Brazilians surveyed indicate that they use their phones while driving. These are some of the conclusions drawn from the study “Emotional Driving 2024: Road Behavior”, prepared by Gonvarri and Marangoni.
77.88% of the respondant Brazilians who drive a car declare that easily distract while driving, 94% of them point out mobile phones as the main distraction cause. This is one of the conclusions drawn from the “Emotional Driving: Brazilian drivers, distractions and use of the cell phone” survey, developed by Gonvarri.
81.2% of the respondant Argentinians who drive a car declare that easily distract while driving, 94% of them point out mobile phones as the main distraction cause. This is one of the conclusions drawn from the “Emotional Driving: Argentinian drivers, distractions and use of the cell phone” survey, developed by Gonvarri and Movistar.
Is there enough training and information regarding road safety in Spain? What do Spanish youngsters think about road safety sensitizing campaigns in Spain? Gonvarri and Movistar present a survey developed in May 2018 that gathers the opinions of over 1,000 young Spanish citizens of ages between 18 and 30.
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